Learn Italian!

dimarts, 26 de maig del 2009

Festa Comenius Itàlia

Dimarts 9 de juny del 2009
A les 18h, aula 014

Benvolguts pares, mares, alumnes i professors/es:

Us convidem a la nostra festa per:
strar-vos material audiovisual,
entregar els dossiers,
fer un pica-pica....
i posar-vos
deures de vacances!!!

Us demanarem la vostra opinió sobre l'experiència dels vostres fills i filles fins aquest moment, informarem de les previsions de les activitats que tenim planejades...

The girls having their own Italian party

Us hi esperem a tots,
sobretot no hi falteu!!!

Photo Gallery

Hi, people.

This is the whole group:21 students and 3 teachers. We are finally in Venice. It's Monday, 27th of April and we like it so much!! We are having a good time outside Saint Mark, holding the newspaper. See if "Diari de Sabadell" publishes it soon!!

Having a break and breakfast after visiting the beautiful Chiesa di San Francesco in Treviso.

One day in Murano with the Italian partners, watching the artisans making glass objects. Spectacular!!!!

The adventure: here we are, crossing the "Gran Canal" on a gondola called Traghetto. We really did it!!! And it wasn't easy, so many big vaporettos almost crashing on us!!!! It wasn't a drama class, see our faces, we only felt safe after we landed on "Pescheria".